Photo Collage Price Estimate Calculator
Use the price calculator tool below to get an estimate of how much your artwork will cost based on the size of your print, number of photos you want to use and collage style. Shipping is not included in this price estimate and will vary depending on the size of your print. Click on this standard frame sizing chart (or scroll down for a larger version) to see how many photos we recommend for different print sizes.

- 10 photos - 9″ x 12″
- 12 photos - 11″ x 14″
- 16 photos - 12″ x 18″
- 22 photos - 16″ x 20″
- 35 photos - 18″ x 24″
- 40 photos - 20″ x 24″
- 50 photos - 24″ x 28″
- 60 photos - 28″ x 32″
- 75 photos - 30″ x 36″
- 80 photos - 32″ x 38″
This is only an estimate and does not include shipping costs or sales tax. Your final price may be higher depending on the condition of your photos, complexity of collage and timeframe. We typically complete smaller collages in 7-10 days and larger ones in 2-3 weeks. However, we can expedite your collage (within 7 days) for an additional rush charge of 10-25% of the price of the collage. We will share the timeline for completing your collage once we receive all photos. Please allow ample time when you place your order as we cannot be held responsible for delays once your print is picked up by the shipping company.
Copies and resized prints are available for $15/sq. ft. They are an exact replica that is printed on the same material as the original. We print on high quality photorealistic matte material using UV-resistant inks. This virtually eliminates glare and is the sharpest, most vibrant print material available. You may also request a high-definition digital file of your collage for $18.
All of our prints are packed with excessive padding and care.
We ask that you make your final balance payment when you are completely satisfied with your collage and require no further changes. Changes requested after final payment is made will incur additional charges. View the FAQ page for more information about our services.
We accept Quick Pay with Zelle, PayPal or business checks. PayPal is very convenient as we send you a link to make your payment with a credit card or e-check. You do not need to have a PayPal account to use this option. For other payment options, please contact customer service.
We begin working on your collage once we receive a deposit of 50% of your estimate. You can get an estimate using ourĀ online calculator.
We send you a proof of your project via e-mail for your approval. Once you give us your final approval, and the remaining balance has been paid, your collage is printed and shipped via UPS, USPS or FedEx. We also return all of the hard copy photographs you sent to us (or sooner if needed). You can make a deposit by clicking on this PayPal link.
Below are common U.S. frame dimensions and a guideline of recommended collage size based on the number of photos you would like to include. However, if the majority of your photos contain large groups of people (4 or more), then a larger size would look better or you could use fewer pictures.
8″ x 10″ | 8″ x 12″| 8-1/2″ x 11″ | 9″ x 12″ | 10″ x 13″ | 11″ x 14″ | 12″ x 16″ | 14″ x 18″ | 16″ x 20″ | 20″ x 24″ | 22″ x 28″ | 24″ x 30″ | 24″ x 36″ | 30″ x 40″
- 10 photos - 9″ x 12″
- 12 photos - 11″ x 14″
- 17 photos - 12″ x 18″
- 22 photos - 16″ x 20″
- 35 photos - 18″ x 24″
- 40 photos - 20″ x 24″
- 50 photos - 24″ x 28″
- 60 photos - 28″ x 32″
- 75 photos - 30″ x 36″
- 80 photos - 32″ x 38″
Professional Photo Collages | ProCollage® creates meaningful personalized photo gifts for all occasions
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