Repairing damaged photos restores precious memories
Expert photo restoration & digital retouching services in Las Vegas
We provide a full range of photo restoration, image retouching and digital airbrushing services and our work is guaranteed. Located in Las Vegas, our photo restoration experts make photo repairs and enhancements to damaged pictures returning them to their original glory.

We digitally repair and fix blemishes, restore damages pixel by pixel. Whether it’s a tear, water or mold damage, creases, fading or combining photographs that have been torn apart. Our digital artists have restored tens of thousands of photographs and will professionally color-correct images in your collage. This color enhancement fixes damages caused by aging like fading, making your pictures brighter and more beautiful than ever.
Professional Picture Poster Printing Services
We can scan your photos for you or you can send us photos you have scanned at a 600 or higher resolution. Don't worry if you aren't tech savvy. Our customer service experts will walk you through the "how to" so you get the best possible scans. Our designers can do wonders with photo retouching. They can remove unsightly blemishes, scars/wrinkles on your face, take off that 5 lbs the camera adds to look slimmer. We can make anyone look years younger, change hair color, eye color, skin tone, taller, or remove/add somebody or something to a photo. Our image experts digitally restore old, aged and faded photos to their original coloring or better! With decades of experience we routinely fix creased or damaged photographs to appear like they are new pictures.
We can fix any kind of damage. Please email, call, or send in your pictures for a restoration/retouching price estimate.
Why old photos fade
The ink used to print these photographs contains a light absorbing body called chromophores. When any amount of light is absorbed by these compounds, the UV rays in that light break down the chemical bond of the picture dye. Restoration ServicesLearn more
For convenience we have an online uploader where you can easily send your file(s). We are always upgrading our image correction techniques on state-of-the-art equipment making your old photographs look as "good as new." On average we are able to retouch and restore a photo in 30 minutes. We've been performing photo manipulation, repair and correction for 20 years so know that your precious pictures are in very good hands.
Expert Color Correction
A before and after look at fixing discoloration and glare correction

Before Image Restore
Original faded red photograph with sun/light damage taken in 1976

After Image Restore
Digital color enhancement with repairs to fading and removal of glare from scan
Professional Image Retouching
A before and after look at repairing, retouching and image enhancing

Before Digital Repair
Original old photo portrait of mom with severe tonal fading and crease through face

After Digital Repair
Retouched, darks and lights restored, removed damage and smoothed out the photo's paper texture
Digital Retouching Masters
A before and after look at our digital airbrushing service

Expert Photo Airbrushing
Flawless skin, enhance features, retouch wrinkles and change eye coloring
Picture Retouching & Restoration
A before and after look at restoring damaged, faded family portraits

Before Photo Restoration
Original aged, torn, tape, marked children sisters portrait

After Photo Restoration
Portrait restoration with original colors restored, damage repair and subtle sepia colorization
Color Fading Repair
A before and after of returning faded pics to original coloring

Color Restoration
Return baby pictures to their original and natural colors
Restoration & Repair
A before and after look at removing texture patterns, repairing and enhancing colors

Main Collage Photos
ProCollage's photo restorations and retouching services are second to none. Our digital artists skillfully save damaged and fading pictures. We have restored thousands of photographs and can repair any kind of damage. There are many techniques to improve coloring, bring back detail even enlargement. Upload your photographs, send them via mail, or contact us for a restoration price estimation.
Fix My Pics! ◄ Choose another categoryProfessional Photo Collages | ProCollage® prints and fixes old, damaged photography restoring colors with expert retouching
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